Ritchie Sayner • Advanced Retail Strategies, LLC
Open-To-Buy Planning. Sales and Inventory Forecasting and Analysis.
Retail Consulting and Business Development.

Our retail expertise helps thousands of clients:

  • Hands-on advising and support
  • Analyzing and improving retail operations for over 30 years
  • Best-practice merchandising and inventory optimization
  • Powerful analytics and forecasting

Helping Retailers Increase Sales Volume, Improve Margin, Strengthen Cash Flow, and Maximize Turnover.

Let’s discuss your specific needs in a no obligation business analysis.


After opening our business in 2008, we realized we could use the expertise and objective eye of Ritchie Sayner. We saw immediate results after implementing his strategies to maximize profitability and increase margins.

With Ritchie’s knowledge of retailing, we experienced a revenue increase of 67%. We will continue to use Ritchie as our retail adviser as his service pays for itself in increased yearly profits.”

- Laurel & Lindsey Tate
Two Sole Sisters